Dotty, a 10 year old cross-breed weighing about 25 kgs had a titanium
plate put into her knee and cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Having had a similar operation some years back on the other leg and
having had serious complications with that procedure which culminated in
severe infection, Dotty's owner decided to do things differently post
this operation.
Dotty was sent home 4 days after her operation and the next day she came
into the chamber for her first HBOT session. The 2nd session
was 2 days later and thereafter she came once a week for 6 treatments in
She saw the vet after treatment 5 (6 weeks after her op) and when he
looked at her and her x-rays he said “considering her age she is doing
remarkably well" about 30% better than he had expected. We did not tell
the vet what we had been doing.
Dotty then saw a dog-physio (American trained lady) who has seen many
other dogs after similar ops. She said she was very impressed with
Dotty's progress and that she was streets ahead of even where she
thought she should be (the physio has come across HBOT for animals
during her training in the USA).